Monday, December 22, 2008

First post!

Welcome to my site!

I've finally decided to start a blog as an early attempt to a 2009 New Year's resolution.

A little background:

I am 25 years old, and I live in a major east coast city. I have a Master's degree in Accounting. After a couple of years in public accounting, I decided to leave and take a less stressful, better paying job in private industry. That was about a year ago. The job change was a great move, and I am happier than ever. However, I've always been so passionate about personal finance, especially for young folks, that I just had to start getting my thoughts on paper (so to speak...).

So that brings us here... and I am happy to say I'm ending 2008 fulfilling this nagging dream I've had for a while now. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I anticpate enjoying writing it. Stay tuned for my first "real" post, and frequest posts thereafter. I plan to blog a few times a week, and hopefully get some quality discussion going on in the comments section.

Thanks for reading!

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